Here’s a step by step guide to how to integrate Metamsk React Ethersj and use it as an RPC journalist for an Ethereum -based application:
Step 1: Set Metamk
Make sure Metammsk is installed in the browser. If not, download and install it [Metamk’s official website] (
Step 2: Create Web3 Supplier with MetamSk
Create a new file called “web3.js” at its project directory:
// web3.js
Const Web3 = Require ('Web3');
Ethersprovider class {
Builder () {
Const a providerurl = Window.ethereum.SelecteadDress;
Const Networkid = Window.ethereum.Chainid;
Const Web3 = New Web3 (Window.ethereum);
If (Service Provider && Networkid) {
Restore Web3.Providers Etherprovider ({{
Supplier: Service Provider,
Chainid: Networkid
} other {
Console.error ('Metamask journalist') is not found;
Throw a new mistake ('Metammsk is not installed or the selected address is not found');
Module.exports = Etherprovider;
This code creates a classEthersprovider ‘, which confirms the Web3 atmosphere with Metamsk as an RPC journalist. Builder checks if the Metamask service provider and domain URL are available and use them to create a new web3.
Step 3: Use Etersprovire React
In its main file “App.jso" index.js
, class’ Ethersproviderand use it rpc
// app.js
'React' Import React;
'React-dom' Import ReactDom;
Bring web3provider of './web3.js';
App () function {
return (
{/ Your application content here /}