Ethereum: Implementation of the Last Purchase Time Stamp for Smart Token Sales Contract
Since the blockchain technology continues to grow and develops, the demand for more demanding intelligent contracts is also becoming more demanding. E.G. B. A Time -Related Control Fee for Buyers who sell within a certain time frame from the last time they receive them.
Totamp Function can be implemented in solidity. Send (the buyer) if you sell an intelligent contract token in a certain time frame.
What is a last buying time?
One In the context of our example,
Step-by-Step Solution:
Following the following steps to implement the last purchase -tamp function in Solidity:
Step 1: Define the Event “Lastbuytimestamp”
Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;
Lastbuytimestamp {
Uint256 Public Lastbuytimestamp;
// Emits An Event When A User Buys A Token
Event Buytoken (Msg.synder, Uint256 Timestamp);
“Lastbuytimestamp” Contract with a single event called “BuyToken”. If a user buys a token from our contract, the “Timestamp” field will be set to the current block number plus one day.
Step 2: Implement The Control Fee Logic
Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;
Lastbuytimestamp {
Uint256 Public Lastbuytimestamp;
Mapping (address => uint256) Public BuyTimestamps;
Mapping (Uint256 => Address []) Public Tax Celebrations;
Mapping (address => uint256) Public Surfellic;
// Emits An Event When A User Buys A Token
Event Buytoken (Msg.synder, Uint256 Timestamp);
// Update the Last Purchase Time for the User
Function UpdateTimestamp (Address User, Uint256 Timestamp) Public {
Required (msg.senser! = Address (0), "only users can update their own time stamps");
Lastbuytimestamp = Time STEM;
Buytoken (User, Time Temple) EMIT;
// Calculate the Control Fee
Function Gettaxfee (Uint256 Buytimestamp) Public View of Returns (Uint256) {
Uint256 currenttimestamp = block.timestamp;
Request (Currenttimestamp> = Buytimestamp, "the Buyer Didn't Wait Long Enough");
Return Lastbuytimestamp - Buytimestamp + 86400; // Adjust the period according to your wishes
// Update the control
UpdateTaxFee Function (Uint256 Buytimestamp) Public {
Request (msg.sender! = Address (0), "Only users can update their own control fees");
Request (Lastbuytimestamp> Buytimestamp, "user cannot have a lower purchase time stamp than the current one");
// Check Whether we have already implemented a control fee for this User
uint256 [] Memory Time Temple = Taxfee [msg.sender];
For (uint256 i = 0; i
Request (Time Temple [i] <= Buytimestamp, "Tax Fee Already Applied");
// Apply the Control Fee If It has not yet been implemented
Taxfees [msg.synder] .push (currenttimestamp);
Step 3: Call the Function UpdatAtaxfee
“ Solidity
Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;
Lastbuytimestamp {
Uint256 Public Lastbuytimestamp;
Mapping (address => uint256) Public BuyTimestamps;
Mapping (uint256 => address []) Public tax celebrations;
Mapping (address => uint256) Public Surfellic;
// Emits An Event When A User Buys A Token
Event Buytoken (msg.