Ottezano in Ethereum Connection: Handmade by Shooting Non -Pado
Demand is connected to the network ethereum with a websockets client, for example, in the continner, working for Ubuntu 16.04, you can resist the obliqueing, indicating that it was one. In this state, we dissatisfied with the perceptions of this one and the imposed step in its resolution.
There are several ones, on which the licorice can be faded:
- Ulabaping handpage webSocket
: Ethereum may not be set up for listening to the entry in the specified port (7687 in the pole). Receive that the Konteiner works and listen to this port.
- PROBLEMS OF BRANDMOUER or NEET : If you are behind the firewall, he can be assigned to combine. Check the configuration of the firewall that you can be killed that the port is overgrown.
shooting nepotoja Shagov
- verify the centennial :
* Two-time verify the substantive User
, translated in the options-user
, to make it possible that it is a state-of-the-art ethereum.
- Recove the hand -muzzle :
* Keep yourself that the Konteiner works and listens to the port 7687, the launch Docker PS -f name = Bitecoin -etheum
. If there is no, running his hand, use Docker Run ...
- Problems of firewall or network :
* Check the configuration of the firewall that it will be killed that the port 7687 was.
- Calculation Program Node Node Ethereum :
* Launch Sudo Apt Update
and Install the Novyadnie Program Node Node (for example,ethers.js
), Uspolza Sudo Apt Interce.js
- verify networking :
* Recontex that you can connect to the ethereum from the second termin or a commander.
Here’s the primer that you can use the Curl
in Kontiner, working with Ubuntu 16.04 and web -server under the Docker management:
Submit the new policeman and Koshka on Bitcoin Core (BTC)
echo “Key = ‘Your-Wallet-Address’;” > Bitcoin.conf
Start the bitkinov
Sudo Systemctl Start BTCD–NAT-LOGFILE
Create a new address Koshka Ethereum with Ethers.js
Connect to the net ethereum with Curl
Curl-User Your-Username: Your-Password-Data-Binary ‘{“jsonrpc”: “1.0”, “Method”: “eth_gettransactioncount”, “params”: [“0x00000000000000000000”
The trace of this Shaga and the shig of the problem with the shooting of the nepot, you can crack the scrape “connecting” to use “Curl” in the Continer, work Ubuntu 16.04 and web -server, work with ethreum.